Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oily skin meet your face mask.

I promised to give out some yummy ingredients to create a face mask that helps out with oily skin, and I must say I've used this recipe on myself and loved it! If its during the day I have rinsed it off and used a moiturizer afterwards. I have also applied it at night before I went to bed, rinsed, and afterwards put on my acne treatment. I would love to hear feed back on how you felt after or how it looked the next day. Guys, your are welcome to try it out too! :]


Strawberry me please!

Yes, these yummy treats help out with acne believe it or not! Try not to eat all of them to leave some for your face ya? Let's begin :]

A way I really love prepping for face mask's is steaming my face. Steaming your face will open the pores and really take in what you are applying! If you have oily skin this also helps to bring up any dirt to the surface. Be sure to wash off any make up or sweat before applying your face mask to have a "clean pallete".

Also, try to leave the area around your eye clean with no face mask formula. A great tip I've heard is that strawberries help with puffy eyes, so if you want to use a slice or two to leave under your eyes go right ahead!


1/2 tsp Lemon Juice
1Egg White
1tsp Honey
1/2 Cup of Strawberries

Leave it on for 10 min and rinse off

Nighty night,


Friday, February 24, 2012


So I know that I was suppose to put up some recipes to make some yummy facials today but I am so tired, I can barely focus to put sentences together for this post!

I promise tomorrow I will put up some facials for everyone to try at home.

Have a goodnight!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

First and Foremost

The skin care items you will need and choosing the right one that works for you!

 Now I know as a college student budgets are pretty damn tight, yes I emphasize the word damn because everyone stresses about money while starting their first years of college. I know Neutrogena came out with the wave spinner and Olay with that fancy bristle brush that spins..but ladies and gentlemen we have hands and arms that we can very much put to use when cleaning our face. A simple facial brush which I posted a picture of here at the top is all you need. If you have a fancy brush those work too. ;]

To start of, the facial cleansers:

Cream cleansers: Milky and creamy cleansers moisturize while they clean your skin. For better results apply them with your fingers and use that bristle brush rubbing lightly in CIRCULAR motions using warm water all around your face and keeping away from the eyes and under eyes. Rinse off with cool water. Pat dry with a towel.

Foaming Cleansers: This is for skin types that need deeper cleansing or to remove make up, thick sunscreens in the summer and more.  The foam lathers onto your skin and cleans deep. Again, for better results apply them with your fingers and use that bristle brush rubbing lightly in CIRCULAR motions using warm water all around your face and keeping away from the eyes and under eyes. Rinse off with cool water. Pat dry with a towel.

Make up removers are great for starting off your cleansing process. You should be washing your face at least twice a day, in the morning when you wake up and before you go to bed. More than three times can actually cause damage to the skin and make it ultra dry or sensitive.

Toners are great for applying after cleaning your face to balance the pH levels in your skin.

Facial scrubs: Yummmm, now and days there are different scents colors, whatever suits you. Gentle scrubs with micro beads will definitely brighten up dull complexions. Again, for better results apply them with your fingers and use that bristle brush rubbing lightly in CIRCULAR motions using warm water all around your face and keeping away from the eyes and under eyes. Rinse off with cool water. Pat dry with a towel

VERY IMPORTANT!!! Using moisturizer is vital to keeping skin healthy and giving it that nice youthful glow!

Tomorrow I will talk about what products to use, and recipes on how to make your own home-made face mask from the comfort of your own home.

Hope everyone has a goodnight :]


Getting back on track..

So, I have been so busy with figuring things out for school and working, that I forgot about taking time to share some beauty tips for all my friends. So if eating your way to healthy skin interest you. Or you can't figure out what colors suit your face when doing your make up, or you can't figure out what type of products to use for your skin type. I am here to help you out!

First things first, you need to know that you are a beautiful person. Even if you have puffy eyes, spotty skin, red spots, scars, there ARE little techniques that can help you improve your skin! Loving yourself and having confidence are the first two steps to improving radiant skin. Less stress means less break outs right? The tips I will give you go back to the basics to help you reach that nice glwoing skin everyone wants. Along the way I will also help you out with make up tips and quick and easy hair styles that are in season and look fabulous! Ready? Let's start :]