Thursday, February 23, 2012

Getting back on track..

So, I have been so busy with figuring things out for school and working, that I forgot about taking time to share some beauty tips for all my friends. So if eating your way to healthy skin interest you. Or you can't figure out what colors suit your face when doing your make up, or you can't figure out what type of products to use for your skin type. I am here to help you out!

First things first, you need to know that you are a beautiful person. Even if you have puffy eyes, spotty skin, red spots, scars, there ARE little techniques that can help you improve your skin! Loving yourself and having confidence are the first two steps to improving radiant skin. Less stress means less break outs right? The tips I will give you go back to the basics to help you reach that nice glwoing skin everyone wants. Along the way I will also help you out with make up tips and quick and easy hair styles that are in season and look fabulous! Ready? Let's start :]

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see what you have coming up! I have Seniors constantly looking for tips and tricks for their portraits! Now...update your blog more than once very 6 months! :)
